Spring Recipe: Melissa’s Favorite Smoothies
Smoothies are a convenient way for you to get a variety of nutrients in a single meal. They are easy to make and perfect for people on-the-go! Smoothies are easily digestible as the food is already broken down so there is less work for your digestive system. They’ll give you an instant energy boost as the nutrients are easily digestible through the intestinal wall. |
Apple-Cinnamon Smoothie Add more water if necessary to thin to desired consistency. If you like a colder temperature, add a few ice cubes and blend. |
Strawberry Mylkshake * Combine all the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. If you like a colder temperature, add a few ice cubes and blend. |
Coco-Cacao Smoothie Learn more about Holistic Nutrition and how Melissa Macchione RHN can help! Check out My Wholesome Home for more recipes! |
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