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Author: Jennifer Norman

Summer Exercises: Backpack Strength Training

Due to Covid 19, gyms and fitness classes have been shut down for the time being in Canada. This has forced many of us to make do with whatever pieces of equipment we have at home or in some cases no exercise at all. Strength

Abs of Steel

Warm weather is here which means more time spent outside running, cycling and playing around with friends and family. But with an increase in activity there is also an increased likelihood of you hurting your body, specifically your low back. One of the best ways

Spring Stretches and Exercises: Spring in your Step

Spring has sprung and that means it’s time to play and run outside. For any avid runners who are thinking about increasing their total mileage, it is important to also include a few exercises and stretches for optimal performance and recovery. A common complaint from

Winter Exercise: T Spine Mobility

With the cold weather coming in we are more likely to stay inside and significantly decrease our activity levels. Unfortunately when we don’t move, our body will become stiff and weak, making it more difficult to complete daily tasks. This is especially relevant as this