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Author: Megan Evans

Hip Flexors : The Psoas & The Iliacus

The psoas and the iliacus are muscles that originate from the front of the lumbar spine and the hollow of the hip bone respectively. They share a tendon that ends in the front of the leg and together form the primary hip flexor. These muscles

Neck: The Levator Scapula and The Scalenes

The Levator Scapula is a muscle that runs from the inside top of the shoulder blade to the side of the neck. It helps to lift the shoulder blade and bend the neck. As such, it is a muscle that tends to get tight and

Pecs – The Doorway Stretch

Step 1: Stand in a doorway with your arms out in a “T” with elbows bent to 90 degrees (shown in picture); or, if the doorway is too wide to hook your elbows onto, bring your arms completely horizontal across the back of the frame.

Low Back – The Lazy Banana Stretch

This is an effective way to stretch and lengthen both sides of your body. Why ‘lazy’? You don’t even need to get out of bed to do this stretch; incorporate it in your morning routine before your toes even hit the floor. Start in a

Low Back – The Lazy Banana Stretch

This is an effective way to stretch and lengthen both sides of your body. Why ‘lazy’? You don’t even need to get out of bed to do this stretch; incorporate it in your morning routine before your toes even hit the floor. Start in a