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Spring Recipe: Spring on the Kale Chip Bandwagon

Snacking between main meals, typically mid-morning and mid-afternoon, is essential for avoiding hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia occurs when a person’s blood sugar levels drop.

Some common symptoms of hypoglycemia include: mood swings, depression, psychosis, fatigue, dizziness, lack of concentration, irritability, and cravings. Kale Chips are one of my favourite go-to snacks. Here are a few recipes to get you on the kale chips bandwagon.

Cheesy Kale Chips

1 bunch curly kale, washed and patted dry

¾ cup raw cashews, soaked for 1hr, drain and rinse

1 clove garlic

1/3 cup nutritional yeast

1 tbsp tamari sauce

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Juice of ½ lemon

Pre-heat over for 350 degrees.

Wash, pat dry (or use a salad spinner), remove stems and tear kale leaves into large bite size pieces.

In a blender or food processor, combine cashews, garlic, nutritional yeast, tamari and oil. Process into a paste. Add lemon juice and process until smooth.

Toss kale in a large bowl with cashew paste, making sure kale is evenly coated.

Place seasoned kale leaves on a non-stick baking sheet (I line my baking sheet with parchment paper as I find the kale chips still stick).

Bake for 10mins (no more, no less).

Nutritional yeast is not the same as yeast used in making bread. Nutritional yeast is deactivated yeast that gives a cheesy taste.


Classic Kale Chips

1 head of curly or black kale

1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

¼ tsp of Sea Salt or Himalayan Pink Salt

Pre-heat over for 350 degrees.

Wash, pat dry (or use a salad spinner) and tear kale leaves into bite size pieces (no stems).

Toss kale in a large bowl with olive oil and salt

Place seasoned kale leaves on a non-stick baking sheet (I line my baking sheet with parchment paper as I find the kale chips still stick).

Bake for 10mins (no more, no less).

Sea Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips

1 head of curly or black kale

1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

¼ tsp of Sea Salt or Himalayan Pink Salt

Pre-heat over for 350 degrees.

Wash, pat dry (or use a salad spinner) and tear kale leaves into bite size pieces (no stems).

Toss kale in a large bowl with olive oil, vinegar and salt

Place seasoned kale leaves on a non-stick baking sheet (I line my baking sheet with parchment paper as I find the kale chips still stick).

Bake for 10mins (no more, no less).

Tip: Try to tear leaves the same size and don’t pile up the leaves or they won’t crisp.

Learn more about Holistic Nutrition and how Melissa Macchione RHN can help!

Check out My Wholesome Home for more recipes!


Nutrition Counseling is now COVERED by some Extended Health Benefits Plans…

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Spring is a time of transition – from the shorter, colder days of winter to the brighter, longer and warmer days of summer. Spring’s transition is a perfect time to clear out our cluttered spaces, cleanse the body, get our systems moving and remove the excesses of winter. With this new sense of fresh beginnings, resetting your body has never felt so right!

Enjoy 20% off your Initial Nutrition Counselling Session* and put the spring back into your step after a little Spring tune-up.

*regular $175; now $140 – until April 30, 2018.

Learn more about Holistic Nutrition and how Melissa Macchione RHN can help!

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