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Our Spring Theme is Spring Back into Action!

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Megan and Nala soaking in the Spring sunshine down at the boardwalk. Photo credit: Kate Drummond

Spring has sprung! The sun is shining, plants and flowers are blooming and the frost of winter is beginning to feel like a distant memory. With the weather warming up there are plenty of reasons to get outside and get moving! In the colder months it is very common to curl up with a cup of tea and not get in a daily dose of exercise that our bodies need. Now with spring in sight and summer not far behind it is the perfect time to get outdoors. Biking, jogging, and walking along the beach boardwalk are perfect ways to get in some exercise and some vitamin D all at the same time.

If the reason your physical activity levels have been low this winter is because of acute or chronic back pain then this solution might be for you. Oftentimes when we are sitting or lying down watching Netflix for long periods of time our muscles will start to shorten. Furthermore, if we are not activating major muscle groups, the neural connections to these muscles will get weaker. A major muscle group that is prone to slacking is our gluteus muscle group aka our derriere

This muscle group and mostly the gluteus maximus are a major muscle involved in walking, standing, squatting and climbing stairs. However, when you start getting lazy so do your muscles, and many times other muscles will kick in to take an easier approach to these actions which means your glutes remain inactive. If your glutes aren’t activating throughout the day, they can cause a major misalignment in the pelvis, resulting in the muscles of your thighs and back working overtime. This extra strain on your low back could be because it is firing overtime to make up for your glutes and keep you standing upright!

A good combination of stretching the quads (front of your thighs), hamstrings (back of your thighs), and strengthening the glutes might be a great way to eliminate pain. Below are some quick and simple exercises to strengthen your glutes and get you Springing back into action.

Learn more about Manual Osteopathy and how Jenna Linton, B.Kin, DOMP can help!

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