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Happy Summer from your team at Therapy Lounge!


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Summer sunset on Lake Ontario

June 21st, 2018

Today we welcome Summer.

Summer time is the season with the longest days and the shortest nights. It’s an opportunity to spend more time outdoors getting reconnected with Mother Nature right here in our beautiful Beach neighbourhood. We can go for long walks and runs on the boardwalk, spruce up our gardens, hang out on the patio with friends, and sip long glasses of lemonade in the backyard with family. In the Beach we have so many beautiful parks where we can soak up the sunshine and enjoy a warm summer breeze. Whatever your choice of activity; strolling, running, gardening, there is a lot to love about Summer! The team at Therapy Lounge can help make this transition from sedentary to active a happy and healthy one.

Scroll down for a look at our Summer ideas:

-It’s Summer, are you a runner? Learn about some common running aches and pains that may be slowing you down.

-Summer Stretch: Standing + Seated Shin Stretch

-Summer Recipe: Strawberry Chia Jam

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