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Happy Winter from your team at Therapy Lounge!

Happy Winter from your team at Therapy Lounge!


December 21st, 2019

Today we welcome winter.

Today is the shortest day and the longest night of the year, so going forward it can only get brighter. This year our winter weather arrived a little earlier than we all would have liked, so listen to Mother Nature’s subtle hint telling us to take this time to reflect, rest, restore and breathe this season.

But when you are feeling refreshed and re-energized, be sure to bundle up and get outside because your body, mind and spirit will thank you. Nature’s snowy playground is only around for a limited time. Go play!

When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels ~ Unknown

There is a lot to love about Winter and the TL team can help make this seasonal transition a happy, healthy one.

Scroll down for a look at our Winter ideas:

-Our Winter theme is restore your body with Contemporary Medical Acupuncture

-Winter Exercise: Breathe right this Holiday Season

-Winter Recipe: Raw Cacao + Walnut Fudge

-Therapy Lounge owner and RMT Megan’s maternity leave update

-Looking for a HOLIDAY gift everyBODY wants? Give the gift of health! Click the link to purchase Gift Certificates ONLINE.

-Save time. Book your appointments online! At

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