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Donating healing hands for The Children’s Wish!!

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RMT Megan healing these hardworking karate sisters

It was a beautiful day on Saturday June 3rd for Horizon Martial Arts 14th annual SPAR-A-THON for The Children’s Wish Foundation. Therapy Lounge’s owner and RMT Megan was out donating her hands for this great charity. Therapy Lounge raised $1,178!!

Magic wands don’t make wishes come true, it’s people like you who do!

A huge thank you to all who donated. To date Horizon Martial Arts has raised over $50K!!!!

JOY is a wonder drug. Happiness heals! Every smile, every moment of joy can raise the spirit – and strength – of a seriously ill child.

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Rowan Murray and Megan Evans sparring at the Spar-A-Thon

Mrs. Sensei AKA Megan Evans taking a right cross to the gut for a great cause from Rowan the Ninja, TL’s RMT Melissa Murray’s oldest son

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