Summer Exercises: Backpack Strength Training
Breathe Right + Diaphragmatic Release

Autumn Stretch: Triceps brachii
Autumn brings crisp air, scarves, socks and leaves piling up on your front lawn. Raking gives us the perfect opportunity to get outside, get some fresh air, and get in a workout — all at the same time, not to mention that your yard will
Abs of Steel
Warm weather is here which means more time spent outside running, cycling and playing around with friends and family. But with an increase in activity there is also an increased likelihood of you hurting your body, specifically your low back. One of the best ways

Spring Stretches and Exercises: Spring in your Step
Spring has sprung and that means it’s time to play and run outside. For any avid runners who are thinking about increasing their total mileage, it is important to also include a few exercises and stretches for optimal performance and recovery. A common complaint from
Winter Exercise: T Spine Mobility
With the cold weather coming in we are more likely to stay inside and significantly decrease our activity levels. Unfortunately when we don’t move, our body will become stiff and weak, making it more difficult to complete daily tasks. This is especially relevant as this
Fall Stretch: A FULL BODY Stretch
By Megan Evans RMT, CRHP Check out my 20 minute FULL BODY head to toe Stretch on YouTube. Click the link here: FULL BODY STRETCH ROUTINE NOTE: As with any stretch, if you feel any pain at any point please discontinue the stretch. This can cause damage
Summer Stretch: Standing + Seated Shin Stretch
If you have tight shin muscles, pain, or if you’ve ever been diagnosed with “shin splints”, you may want to spend some time stretching your Tibialis Anterior muscle. It is located at the front of your lower leg, next to your shin bone. The Tibialis
Spring Exercises: Glute Bridges + Heels to the Heavens
Glute Bridges: 1) Lay on your back with your knees bent, and your feet shoulder width apart (or closer).2) Relax your upper body completely- you should not use your arms or back to assist in this exercise 3) Squeeze your buttocks and push your feet